The Importance of Commercial Pressure Washing

Commercial pressure washing is beneficial for many different reasons. Your business should always put its best foot forward, and having your business pressure washed is one way to make sure your business always looks its best. Here are other reasons your business should invest in commercial pressure cleaning services.

Making the Best First Impression

Your business has one chance to make a great first impression. you can’t make the perfect first impression when your building and sidewalks are dirty, and your windows have greasy fingerprints on them. To make a good first impression, everything has to be in place. Not only do your services and staff have to be at their best, but the outside of your building must be flawless, and Window Cleaning Miami can help with that.

Start Saving Money

It’s a good feeling to save money, and you can do so by hiring professional commercial pressure washers. Without professional pressure washing expertise, you will face a variety of problems that can be expensive to fix. Some of these problems include developing cracks in the walls and sidewalks, having to replace windows quicker than usual, damaged gutters, and possible lawsuits due to people slipping and falling on your property. You can save money and avoid all of these mishaps by hiring experts who get the job done correctly the first time.

Health and Safety

Pressure washing removes debris, harmful bacteria, and toxins from surfaces. Mold, algae, and other fungi can safely be removed from the outside of your business building. Mold and mildew can cause respiratory issues and other health concerns. Algae leave hideous dark green and black marks on the roof your business building and could cause you to lose customers. The health and safety of your customers and business are important, and when you take both of these instances into consideration, your business will thrive.

Beautify Your Investment

Owning and running a business is expensive and time-consuming. A great way to beautify your business is to schedule regular pressure washing sessions. Scheduling these sessions prevent your building from experiencing extensive damage due to uncleanliness caused by excessive dirt and dust. We can protect your investment by preserving the exterior of your building by thoroughly cleaning it on a regular basis.

What’s the Difference Between Power and Pressure Washing?

Power washing and pressure washing are both methods you can use to clean a building. These cleaning methods can also be used to clean a home. Pressure washing is a cleaning method that is used to clean surfaces that have stubborn, ground-in stains, such as a driveway, sidewalk or roof. Pressure washing is great for these situations because the pressure of the cleaning solution can remove the stains. Power washing uses hot water to remove set-in stains and can often be used on fragile surfaces because a low pressure threshold of our cleaning solution is used.

At Window Cleaning Miami, we are licensed professionals who are ready to help you improve your business by offering our services, which include window cleaning and pressure cleaning. No job is too big or too small for our commercial pressure washing services. Contact us today for your free, no-obligation quote.

High Rise Window Cleaning Safety Measures

The window-cleaning industry is divided into two categories: ground work and suspension work. High-rise window cleaning involves buildings over four-stories tall. Workers are suspended from the top of the building or work from elevated scaffolding erected on the exterior of the building. Depending on the nature of the operation, workers can be faced with various safety hazards.

Safety must be paramount for high-rise window cleaners, as any accident that happens several stories off the ground will have catastrophic consequences. The responsibility of ensuring the safety of the window cleaners rests with all parties involved in the window cleaning operation. This includes the contractor, the workers and the building manager.

Extensive High-rise Training and Certification

Like most dangerous jobs, high rise window cleaning requires comprehensive training. Workers must have a comprehensive knowledge of what equipment to use, understand the safety features of the equipment and how to use it effectively. Additionally, workers must be highly skilled and comfortable at working at heights.

Medical Examinations

Due to the extreme height of buildings, with many over 50 stories high, workers must be checked for any medical conditions that could possibly interfere with their work performance. Conditions that could affect performance, and safety, when working at extreme height include balance issues, epilepsy, high or low blood pressure, diabetes and impaired limb function.

Safety Lines and Anchors

Workers must wear a safety harness around their chest or chest & legs that is connected to both a working and safety line. These ropes are typically adjacent to one another. A backup safety-line adjustment device prevents a fall if a worker slips, loses control or the main working harness line fails. A “descender” allows the worker to get down safely by gently lowering the worker to the ground in case of a slip or fall.

Safety anchors should be connected to the sides of the buildings before cleaning building windows. Anchors typically will have been tested for a safety rating load of 1,000 pounds. The safety and main lines typically go through eye holes in the anchor and are designed to help prevent accidents if a bolt comes loose. Anchors are tested at least once every year.

Site Assessment

One of the most critical aspects of job safety during high-rise window cleaning operations is the ability to identify and assess workplace hazards. Site assessment identifies the safety hazards workers may run into at a job site. A model job-site evaluation plan can be found on the International Writing Centers Association website. Here are the major workplace safety hazards that are evaluated as part of the site assessment:

Weather: Weather conditions must be constantly monitored during any active window-cleaning operations. Professional high-rise window cleaning requires workers to be outside in various weather conditions. As such, inclement weather conditions that include extreme hot and cold temperatures, precipitation, lightning and wind conditions are all taken into account. Due consideration has to be given whenever a wind speed of 15 miles per hour or greater is present. Exterior high rise window cleaning should not take place whenever there are sustained wind speeds in excess of 25 miles per hour.

Personal Protective Gear: Window cleaners can be exposed to a variety of chemical-cleaning products. They must wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves, eye protection and possibly respirators, depending on what chemicals are being used on a particular job. A helmet helps protect the workers head from injury in the event of a fall as well as from objects that may fall from above the work area. Appropriate work boots with steel toes protect worker’s feet from slipping, chemical exposures and impacts. High-visibility clothing allows others to readily notice the workers.

Tripping and Falling Hazards: Falls are the primary hazard faced by commercial window cleaners and crews working on high-rise buildings face increased fall hazards. The greatest fall hazard exists when working on surfaces without adequate edge protection. Edge protection includes a guardrail or a structural parapet a minimum of 42 inches high.

Changes in elevation of work surfaces greater than four feet that are not protected by a structure 42 inches or taller, such as a guardrail, can pose tripping hazards. Tripping hazards can include, but are not limited to, scaffolding and skylights and dissimilar roof heights, balconies and unprotected holes and retaining walls on the ground.

Cleaners can reach away from their body to clean a window, provided only their upper body is extended past the edge of the structure they are standing on and both feet are set firmly on said structure. Body weight should never be supported by a window or window frame when reaching out to clean.

Ladders: Job-site conditions may dictate the need for ladders. Crews must use the appropriate type of ladder, such as an extension vs. a step ladder, for the appropriate conditions.

Electrical: Workers must be constantly aware of electrical hazards to avoid shock or electrocution. This requires maintaining a minimum 10-foot distance from all exposed outlets, electrical fixtures, power and supply lines in the work area. Ladders, water-fed and extension poles shouldn’t be extended to a height to allow these devices to come within 10 feet of power lines or power supply devices.

People: Others, such as building occupants, co-workers and members of the public, will usually be present during most types of high-rise window cleaning work. Crews must be aware of their presence to both protect themselves as well as anyone else that may be in the work area and impact safety.

Emergency Situations: At least one person on an active job site should have full training in basic first aid. All entryways and exits must be identified and an emergency evacuation plan must be in place. An emergency plan must be in place whenever working in earthquake-prone areas.

Types of Insurance Coverage
Employees of window washing companies face more potential risks than most other occupations. Even when all safety protocols are in place and followed to the letter, due to the inherent risky nature of high rise window cleaning, adequate insurance must be in place when cleaning building windows to protect workers, business owners and the public. Here is a breakdown of the most common types of window-cleaning coverage:

Bodily-Injury Coverage: A component of general-liability insurance, bodily injury insurance will cover members of the public or building workers who are injured during window-cleaning operations. Bodily-injury insurance will cover their medical and related expenses.

Property Damage: This covers damage to a customer’s property cause by window washers.

Completed Operations Coverage: This insurance covers liability if someone is harmed by a product or services that has been rendered. For example, if a worker used a cleaning solution that scratched the windows the owner could sue for damages.

Workers Compensation: This is standard coverage that will pay for any necessary medical care and associated costs and expenses if an employee is injured on the job.

In Conclusion, a high-rise window cleaning company should take all the necessary precautions to have their employees safe. Here at Window Cleaning Miami, we are licensed and certified high-rise window cleaners. Trust us to complete jobs on time and in a safe manner. Call us today!

The Pros and Cons of Cleaning Windows with Vinegar

If you search the pantry of just about any household, you will likely find that vinegar has made a home on one of the shelves. What’s special about vinegar is that is so diverse and can be used in a variety of tasks from clearing the skin to disinfecting food. As a surprise to many, vinegar is also an effective window cleaner and often puts most commercial brands to shame.

The Pros Of Vinegar Window Cleaning

The benefits of cleaning with vinegar are plentiful. But just to narrow things down to the specific topic, here are the pros that come with washing windows with vinegar.

1. It is both cheap and easily accessible. Vinegar can be found on the shelves of virtually any store that sells food or cleaning supplies, and it can be purchased for under a dollar up to a few bucks (depending on the size of the bottle).

2. It is a non-toxic cleaning agent. Unlike many commercial window cleaners, vinegar poses no health threats and is free of harmful chemicals. This makes it safe to be used around small children and pets.

3. It is versatile. Vinegar can be used in many jobs and is effective on any type of glass.

4. It is a streak-less cleaner. Uniquely, vinegar has a way of providing a streak-free appearance to just about any surface that it makes contact with.

The Cons Of Window Washing With Vinegar

Though there aren’t many, as with all things, there is always a con or two (sometimes more). Here are the few downsides of using vinegar to clean your windows.

1. Vinegar has a harsh aroma. It is hard not to recognize the bitter smell of vinegar, and most people do not care to have this smell in their homes. Luckily, the smell will quickly dissipate in certain instances and essential oils can be used to aid in other circumstances.

2. Vinegar may dull certain surfaces. Though your windows aren’t necessarily in harm’s way with this con, the surrounding areas may be. Because of its acidic nature, vinegar has a tendency to dull shiny surfaces. It’s best to keep vinegar away from surfaces covered with granite, marble, onyx, or anything else that glistens.

3. It isn’t the best anti-grease agent. If your windows for some reason have come into contact with grease, vinegar may have trouble cutting through it.

Can Vinegar Be Used To Clean Any Type Of Glass?

Yes, vinegar is a viable cleaning agent that will work wonders on any type of glass. Whether you are removing toothpaste from your bathroom mirror or cleaning gunk off of your windshield, vinegar is the short answer to your problems. However, there are different methods to go about the cleaning process depending on the surface that you are trying to polish.

Is Vinegar Alone Effective Enough?

Depending on the job at hand, vinegar can be the sole ingredient needed to polish your windows and leave a streak-free finish. These situations are those that present glass surfaces that have already been cleaned and are free of gunk, grease, dust, or any other impurities. In other cases, it is best to couple vinegar with another agent. The dynamic duo, baking soda and vinegar is used to take on the toughest, most grimy jobs. This potent formula is a good one to use for windows that aren’t in the best of conditions and may need a more intense clean. The baking soda can also be swapped out for ammonia for an equivalent effect. For a more gentle wash, a concoction of vinegar, water, and a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent will do the trick.

Will Vinegar Damage My Vehicle?

It is no secret that conventional auto window cleaners are often counter-effective and will more likely than not send you to a carwash to get them professionally cleaned. When it comes to polishing your windows with vinegar, keep in mind two key factors. One, you will need to use microfiber towels (or shammy towels) as regular ones don’t work as well and two, though vinegar is generally safe to be used on most platforms, its acidic content may cause damage to other areas of the car. To protect the other facets of your vehicle, cover the surrounding areas with towels or thick blankets and be careful about only applying the vinegar and water solution to the window.

What Effect Will Vinegar Have Against Ocean Water?

If you are a boat owner or live near the ocean, you are probably aware of the damage that can be caused to exposed windows. As the ocean water makes contact with the windows, there is only a matter of time before the salt begins to build up and eventually causes corrosion. Inevitably, if not corrected in time, the windows begin to weaken and will need to be replaced. Before this happens, try window cleaning with vinegar and add both ammonia and a salt-resistant agent for a more powerful clean. The vinegar will pose no negative effects and can be used as often as needed.

Other Things To Keep In Mind When Washing With Vinegar

Window cleaning with vinegar is quite simple and safe no matter what factors are involved. With vinegar as the primary agent, other ingredients mentioned can be used to create a more powerful formula or provide a more gentle effect. In most cases, vinegar can be used alone to get the job done. Some people may choose to add an essential oil of choice to cope with the pungent odor. Here are a few tips and specifics to keep in mind when it comes to cleaning windows with vinegar.

When you are doing a light job, you can use equal parts of water and vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is also a great alternative. It has the same capability, yet is less acidic, therefore, provides a more gentle clean.

Unless you are cleaning windows with vinegar in conjunction with ammonia or baking soda, clear the surface of dirt and dust beforehand. If you neglect to do this, you will only be pushing the impurities around instead of giving the window a proper clean. The ammonia and/or baking soda will effectively remove the waste.

Always cover sensitive surrounding areas when working with vinegar. It will not alter appearances as quickly and aggressively as bleach, but it may eventually wear down on certain surfaces. Aside from this, vinegar can be used for the long haul and will not present any negative long-term effects.

Always use shammy towels when cleaning automobile windows or those of a thicker quality. Paper towels will work in other cases.

Vinegar is a miracle worker and a powerhouse in terms of cleaning but is even more profound when it comes to polishing windows. With this household favorite, you can say goodbye to overpriced commercial products for good.

Different Types of Windows for Buildings

Different Types of Windows for Buildings

You hardly ever think about your windows, after all, they’re made so you can look through them. But just because windows are transparent doesn’t mean they aren’t important. Windows allow light and airflow into spaces. Depending on what kind of windows are used, they can also perform other functions. Some widows simply need to allow light in, while others have to be easy to open and close. Whatever it is you need from a window, there’s something on the market for you. Here are some of the different types of windows for buildings.

Different Types of Window Frames

Window frames play a big role in the aesthetics and use of your windows. While some are made to open easily, other frames simply let as much light through as possible.

Double-hung and Single-hung Windows

different types of windows: double hung windowsThis window frame design is the most popular type for houses. These frames usually has a large window pane in the center, with two smaller panes on either side. Or, a large pane on one side and a smaller pane on the other.

There are many variations in the layout of these frames, such as the center or side panes being split in two horizontal windows, or sometimes there can even be four panes equal in size.

Generally though, double- and single-hung window frames are made from either metal or wood. The designs are discreet, not drawing attention to the windows, but still aesthetically pleasing.

The windows open to the outside and are easy to adjust, but often not all panes can open and close. These windows open by simply by allowing the frame that contains the windows to rotate diagonally within the main window frame.

Awning Windows

Awning windows are another popular option in homes. The main difference between double-hung and awning windows is how they open. While double-hung windows rotate within the main frame, awning windows open to the outside by pivoting from the top or side of the main frame.

The great thing about awning windows is that they allow for a lot of airflow when they open. However, if there’s a walkway outside, they tend to obstruct the passage more than a double-hung window would.

Slider Windows

Slider windows are a great option if you’re looking for airflow, but don’t want to obstruct narrow passages outside. As the name implies, these windows simply slide over each other when opened.

Picture Windows

Different types of windows: Picture windowsThese windows are popular in commercial buildings and homes with modern architecture. Unlike most options, picture windows can’t open. Having picture window frames is almost like have no frames at all. Instead, window the windows panes in picture windows look like a glass wall.

The benefit of picture windows is that they allow a lot of light in and can offer stunning views. However, the fact that they don’t open and close means they’re not good for spaces where having airflow is important.

In some cases, picture windows can be combined with other kind of frames to allow for airflow in a space.

There’s an almost endless variety of window frames. Box frames windows, fixed windows and Palladian windows are just a few of the additional options to choose from.

Different Types of Window Panes

While most homeowners focus a lot on their window frames, the glass that goes into these frames is often overlooked. The quality of your window glass can help increase the longevity of your windows. Glass can also be made with useful extra functionalities.

There are different types f windows for buildings that help perform important and practical functions. Here are some of your main options when choosing window glass.

Annealed Glass Windows

Annealed glass is the most basic type of window glass available. This glass is colorless and inexpensive to buy. To make annealed glass requires that large window panes are cooled slowly, allowing a strong glass to form.

All other kinds of windows are made by enhancing annealed glass for better functionality. While annealed glass is the cheapest option, it will shatter when it breaks, leaving sharp edges.

Laminated Glass Windows

During the process of lamination, a regular float glass window is enhanced into a safety glass. Laminated glass windows provide extra strength, making them a more popular for safety reasons.

The glass in manufactured by taking two regular glass panels and fusing them to an inner layer of a strong plastic material called PVB (polyvinyl butyral).

Laminated windows can stay in their frames even when they’re almost completely shattered. Because of this, car manufacturers use laminated glass to make windshields. This type of glass is normally substantially stronger and more durable.

Obscure Glass

This kind of window is highly popular for fitment in bathrooms and as shower doors. Most obscure glass windows have textured inside surfaces, causing the window to not be completely see-through. Alternatively, some obscure glass windows are coated with a layer that makes the glass look sandblasted.

The great thing about obscure glass is that it protects privacy while still allowing light to come through.

Tinted Glass Windows

Tinted windows are an excellent choice if you want to limit the UV exposure in your space and enjoy more privacy. Just keep in mind that not all tinted windows offer UV protection, so if that’s a functionality you want, you must opt for a tinted glass that offers UV protection.

Tinted glass can be a good option in bathrooms instead of obscure glass. It’s also a popular choice for skylights. That said, you can have all the windows on your building fitted with tinted glass. It adds aesthetics while blocking only a minimal amount of light from coming in. Because tinted glass does block at least some light, it’s not an ideal option for dark spaces that don’t get a lot of sunlight.

Insulated Glass Windows

Insulated glass can help you control temperatures in your space more easily. The main benefit of insulated glass is that it creates an energy efficient space, as you’ll need less air-conditioning. To make insulated glass, multiple glass panels are layered together with spaces in between. The spaces in between the glass are normally filled with argon, providing better insulation.

There are still a few other window glass options, such as Low-E glass, which is also great for regulating temperatures inside your home, allowing you to save on energy costs.

Different types of windows are good for various purposes. Overall, both the window frame and glass you use in your frame depend on the functionality you need. Consider your space and needs before choosing your windows.

Keeping Your Windows Clean

A lot can go into creating a space with the perfect windows. Once you’ve fitted your ideal windows, it’s important to keep them clean. Despite this, you probably don’t have time to clean your windows often.

At Window Cleaning Miami, we specialize in helping you keep your windows clean throughout the year.

Windows cleaning benefits aren’t just about making your place look good. Keeping your windows clean can also enhance their longevity and prevent surface scratches.

After investing time to learn about different types of windows and choosing the perfect styles, it’s important to protect your investment by keeping them clean.

Call Window Cleaning Miami today to schedule a date for your windows today. We do more than just cleaning windows, we also clean other exterior areas of your house like sidings, fencing and driveways.

Benefits of window cleaning

Benefits of Window Cleaning: Are Clean Windows Important?

Windows play an essential part in your residential or commercial property. With time, water spots, smudges, fingerprints, dust, paint, bird droppings, spider webs, pollen, and other debris accumulate on windows, making them look dull and filthy. Cleaning removes these impurities and makes your home or building look more appealing. But besides making your space look more beautiful, window cleaning offers other benefits. These are just some of the benefits of window cleaning.

Benefits of Window Cleaning

A Great First Impression

Whether you’ll be entertaining guests or pitching new clients, making a good first impression matters. One of the first things that people notice is your windows, which is why you can’t afford to neglect them. As a business, the appearance of your building tells clients how professional you are. Dirty windows create a negative impression – after all, if you don’t have the discipline to keep your work space clean, it might be an indication of the quality of your service.

Prevent Window Damage

A clean window is less likely to get damaged compared to a dirty one. Some contaminates can make glass weaker. Harmful contaminants could include acid rain or hard water. The longer these contaminants remain on your windows, the more damage they’ll cause.

Preventing window damage is a great benefit of window cleaning. But don’t just focus on the glass while cleaning, make sure you keep hinges clean from grime and ensure that sliding tracks are debris-free.

Let More Light In

Clean windows allow for natural light to shine into your home or office more efficiently and make your spaces seem more spacious. More light can enter and brighten up your spaces, making them feel lively and inviting. This helps to uplift your mood, which can improve productivity in workplace environments.

Sell Your Property Sooner

If you’re trying to sell your home or business premises, cleanliness important. Keeping your property clean is a simple, cost effective way to make it look better. Clean windows will help impress potential buyers. Cleaner windows make your property look good and help to boost curb appeal.

Improve Air Quality

Things like cooking, smoking, burning candles and using your fireplace can contaminate the air inside your home. This air pollution can cause buildup on the inside of your windows, forming a layer of smoke film or dirt on the inside. Keeping your windows clean will ensure this buildup doesn’t occur, ensuring the air in your home remains fresh. Clean windows will also prevent mold growth.

Timing Matters in Window Cleaning

When cleaning your windows, there are certain times that are more suitable than others. The ideal cleaning weather is a cloudy day rather than a sunny one. Hot weather and sunshine causes liquid to evaporate more quickly from the window surfaces, leaving streaks more easily.

Benefits of Professional Window Cleaning

Windows might seem like one of those home projects you can do over a weekend, but sometimes it’s better to leave the work to the professionals. This is especially true for commercial buildings and hard-to-reach windows in the home.

Window cleaning might seem simple, but it’s not quite as easy as you might think. Here’s why professional window cleaning services will serve you better than doing it yourself.

Clean Hard-to-remove Dirt

Some dirt, like calcium leaking out of concrete walls and stains your windows, can cause stains that are hard to remove. Professional cleaners are well-equipped to clean even the toughest window stains, including paint specks, oil splatters and other tough dirt.

Save on Costs

Although it might seem like washing your windows yourself is the most cost-effective method, it isn’t always the case. Using professionals means you don’t have to spend money on buying your own equipment.

Hiring professionals also means that you don’t have to worry about damaging your windows. If you damage your windows while cleaning them, you’ll need to pay the cost of replacement. However, even if professional contractors were to damage your windows, they should have insurance to payout for your damages.

Safety Benefits

It’s possible to wash easy-to-reach windows at home. But if your building is more than one level, attempting to clean them yourself isn’t safe. Rather have someone who’s experienced do the job for you, especially for commercial buildings.

Better Results

Professional window cleaners know how to avoid streaks and spots. Get a professional for a spotless finish results every time.

Apart from saving money and getting professional results, hiring a professional window cleaning service can also help you save time. There’s nothing worse than sacrificing a weekend to clean your windows, only to spot streaks once you’re done.

Tinting Your Windows

Window tints are thin, clear, plastic films that are applied on the inside of windows. Besides aesthetic value, window tints can offer many benefits. However, before installing the film, your windows must be thoroughly cleaned to ensure better installation. Window tinting has advantages for both residential and commercial spaces.


Window tints are an affordable alternative that costs a fraction of what it costs to replace a damaged or deteriorating window.


Window tinting can make your windows more durable in case of window breakage. Should your window shatter due to an accident, the window film will hold the glass pieces together, preventing injury and increasing security.

Adds Aesthetic Value

Window films are aesthetically pleasing and can make your commercial building look clean and professional, which creates a positive image for your business.

Blocks UV Rays

99% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can be blocked out by window film, preventing it from entering your home or business’ interior, which protects your eyes and skin from sun damage. This also protects your valuables like furniture, curtaining and paintings from discoloration and fading caused by UV rays.

Reduce Energy Usage Costs

Tinted windows help rooms stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

During summer, window tints block out UV rays, resulting in a reduced amount of heat that passes into your home or office. This means there’s less heat gain, thereby reducing the need to use the air conditioner for lengthy periods.

On the other hand, during winter, window tints retain the interior heat, meaning you’ll have reduced heating costs.

How Often Should You Clean Your Windows?

To get the full benefits of window cleaning, you need to schedule regular cleaning throughout the year. Once a year isn’t enough for most properties. For your home, washing windows twice a year is good, while commercial buildings can clean on a quarterly basis.

Cleaning requirements will also vary depending on your property. High-rise windows might not need to be cleaned as often ground floor ones, as lower windows are exposed to more dust and debris.

Window Cleaning Costs

With all the great benefits of window cleaning, spending a few dollars now and again to protect your windows should be no big deal. The cost of window cleaning can depend on a lot of things, including the current state of your windows.

Commercial Window Cleaning Costs

  • According to, the average cost per window is $5.50-$14.50, with most companies charging around $10 per window.
  • Those that charge per pane charge an average cost of $2-$8. However, smaller panes can cost as little as $1-$2 per pane.
  • Buildings with one to two stories come with a price tag of $3-$6 per pane when washing the outside only. Washing the inside will cost between $4 and $8.
  • Hourly costs range between $36 and $58.
  • Additional window cleaning costs include paint or stain removal ($3.50-$6 for standard-sized windows), sills and tracks cleaning ($0.50-$5), screen cleaning ($0.50-$5 per screen), single glass door cleaning ($2.50-$8 per door), mineral deposit removals ($20 per pane), and 3rd and 4th story cleaning ($3-$5 extra per window).

Residential Window Cleaning Costs

  • According to, window cleaning usually costs between $149 and $293.
  • The cost per window pane ranges between $4 and $11, with $5 being the average.
  • To clean both outside and inside costs, on average, $5 per window.
  • Additional charges like paint or stain removal cost about $3.50-$6 per window and cleaning mineral deposits costs about $20 per pane.


Now that you know some of the main benefits of window cleaning, you can make sure to keep this important maintenance task on your to-do list.

At the end of the day, windows are an investment. If you put in enough effort, you’ll get to enjoy the maximum benefits from your windows.

How to pressure clean your driveway

How to Pressure Clean Your Driveway: Methods and Tips

Pressure cleaning is great for removing tough dirt in an instant. Without pressure washing, you’d have to resort to scrubbing off dirt manually, a tedious task. When it comes to pressure cleaning your driveway, you can decide whether you’ll opt for pressure cleaning or scrubbing, but pressure cleaning is much easier. Whether you’re looking to clean your residential driveway, or a paved industrial driveway, the methods will be similar. Here how you can pressure clean your driveway before winter comes around again.

Why Do Driveways Get So Dirty?

Driveways can buildup dirt quite quickly. The pace at which your driveway accumulates dirt will depend on a lot of things. One of the most notable causes of dirt on driveways is oil and grease stains from cars. If you have any cars leaking oil onto your driveway there’s no doubt it will dirty quickly.

Other things that can influence how fast your driveway gathers dirt is traffic, as well as the location. A driveway with more cars that come and go will look filthy in no time. The less paved area you have surrounding your driveway, the faster it will appear grimy. This is because mud and dust can also contribute to soiling your driveway.

To keep your driveway clean for longer after pressure washing it, try to prevent oil stains from cars. Also try to sweep your driveway regularly with an industrial grade broom to avoid buildup from dust and other debris.

Unfortunately, you can’t prevent or control all driveway stains. A lot of cars leak water from the air-conditioner. The water leaked from car aircons can mix with dust on the driveway surface, causing visible stains. At residential properties, you can service your car regularly to minimize water leaking from your aircon, but this isn’t something that can be controlled on a commercial property.

Car tires can also deposit all manner of dirt on the driveway. From old pieces or gum to mud and sludge, tires pick up a lot of dirt while driving around town and a lot of it can end up on your driveway.

Different Ways to Pressure Clean Your Driveway

There are different ways you can go about pressure cleaning your driveway. Your main options are as follows:

  • Hire a pressure washing machine and do it yourself
  • Book a professional cleaning from a pressure washing service in your area

Hiring a power cleaning machine and doing the work yourself is often cheaper, but it’s not always an option. Power cleaning can be dangerous work. Unless you have experience handling dangerous tools and equipment, you shouldn’t consider pressure cleaning your own driveway.

If you do have experience working with dangerous equipment, you’ll be more prepared to pressure wash your driveway yourself. However, a qualified professional service will most probably offer better results.

While pressure washing your own driveway can seem cheaper, it might work out more expensive if you hire the wrong equipment.

How to Pressure Clean Your Driveway Yourself

There are a lot of things you’ll need to prepare before you can pressure clean your driveway. Make sure you’ve bought all the necessary items you need before you start pressure cleaning.

Choosing Your Equipment

Before going out to hire cleaning equipment, first decide whether you’d like to power wash or pressure clean.

The benefit of power washing is that the hot water usually kills any weeds you have growing on your driveway. The disadvantage of power washing is that it’s much more dangerous. Not only do you have the risk of injuring yourself with a high-intensity water beam, you also run the risk of burning yourself. Because of this, you shouldn’t attempt to power clean your driveway if you’ve never operated pressure washing equipment. Opt for pressure washing instead.

Apart from choosing between power cleaning or pressure washing, you’ll also need to pick a machine that’s right for the job. Different pressure washers have varying beam intensities. For a concrete driveway, you’ll typically need a heavy-duty machine. If this is your first time pressure washing anything, rather stay on the safe side and opt for a medium to light duty machine.

Lastly, you should make sure that you hire a machine with all the necessary attachments. Be sure to mention that you want to pressure clean your driveway, so that the assistants from the equipment hire shop can help you with the correct pressure washer nozzles.

Pressure Washing Your Driveway: Step-by-Step

Before you can start pressure washing, you need to make sure you have everything you need. You’ll need your pressure washing equipment. Carefully read the instruction manual on how to pressure set up your pressure cleaner before starting.

Make sure you have everything you need on hand, such as a connection to a hose pipe and pressure washer detergent before you start.

Cover Nearby Walls and Plants with Protective Plastic

You’ll need t buy some protective plastic covers to protect nearby walls, plants and objects from damage. Doing so prevents accidental damage to paint and surfaces while pressure washing. Remember, the high-intensity beams from pressure washing machines can literally chip pieces of paint off, or damage plants.

Sweep Your Driveway

Once your equipment is set up, use an industrial broom to sweep your driveway. Get rid on all the dust and debris. Sweeping before pressure washing will make the task of pressure washing so much easier and avoid a muddy mess.

Pretreat Grease Stains

Use a spray degreaser to treat stains. You can spray the degreaser the whole surface of your driveway, but focus on grease stains. After applying degreaser to stains, you can scrub in into stains using a wire brush.

Applying Pressure Washer Detergent

Before you can start pressure cleaning, make sure you’re wearing industrial strength protective gloves. Pressure washing detergent can be quite strong, so you’ll need to protect your skin.

Next, use the relevant pressure washer nozzle to dispense the detergent from the cleaner onto the surface of your driveway in strokes. For the best results, apply overlapping strokes.

Once you’re done, you can allow the detergent to work for a while before proceeding. Try to let it stay on for 5-10 minutes.

Pressure Clean with Water

Change your pressure washing nozzle and apply one meant for spraying water. Thoroughly pressure clean the entire surface of your driveway. You can hold the tip of the pressure washer approximately 8 inches from the concrete surface for general cleaning. For stains, you can move in a bit closer, to about 4 inches.

It’s fine to overlap between strokes while pressure washing your driveway with water. You can also go over stained areas multiple times to lighten them.

Sealing Your Driveway

Sealing your driveway can help keep it looking clean and fresh for much longer. Be sure to use a sealant after washing. Most hardware stores will stock a product you can use. Simply take your sealant and use a paint roller to apply it over your driveway surface. Doing so will prevent car grease and spills from readily soaking in.

Cleaning Paint Stains on Driveways

Paint on driveways is a common problem, but it can make your driveway unsightly. It’s best to prevent paint stains on your driveway by using protective covers on your driveway when you’re painting close by. Getting paint off a driveway can be time-consuming, it’s a nuisance that’s better to prevent to begin with.

Of course, if you already have paint stains on your driveway, you’ll still want to know how to remove them. Pressure washing can be effective at removing some driveway stains. If pressure washing doesn’t work, power cleaning might be more effective. The main difference is that power cleaning uses both heat and pressure, whereas pressure washing is done with unheated water.

Pressure washing can be especially effective at removing paint stains on your driveway if they are relatively new. Generally, it takes about two weeks for paint stains to cure properly. This means you have a time window where cleaning the stain from your driveway can be considerably easier.

However, there are times with pressure washing won’t remove paint stains on your driveway. In cases where pressure washing is ineffective at removing paint stains, consider using a chemical paint stripper. Knowing what kind of paint stain caused the stain on your driveway could help you choose the best chemical paint stripper for your needs. Latex, oil and water-based paints will respond to different chemical strippers.

Hiring Professional Pressure Washing Services

While you can pressure your driveway yourself, it’s not an easy task. After buying or hiring all the equipment you need, you’ll likely find you’re saving very little money while putting in a lot of extra effort.

The best and easiest way to pressure clean your driveway remains hiring a professional pressure washing service. Professionals have years of experience. They’re equipped with all the necessary tools and skill to help your driveway look like new after cleaning it.

Cleaning Windows with Newspaper Alternatives

Cleaning Windows with Newspaper: Are there Better Alternatives?

There are many different ways to clean windows. While some swear by using microfiber cloths, others insist that newspaper is the best way to polish windows for a streak free finish – but who’s right? Are all window cleaning techniques equally effective, or are some methods better than others? Here’s what you need to know about cleaning windows with newspaper and other alternatives.

Benefits of Cleaning Windows with Newspaper

Cleaning windows is an arduous task. Luckily the use of newspaper tends to make it a bit easier to wipe away any droplets of water left after cleaning. Newspaper has an astounding ability to produce sparkling clean windows. What’s even more impressive is that newspaper was never made specifically for the purpose of cleaning windows, but it still works quite well.

There’s are a lot of theories as to why newspaper is so effective for cleaning windows. Some people believe that the inks in the paper is what makes newspaper such an effective cleaning tool.

More likely, however, newspaper is effective simply because it’s absorbent. Most paper used for print media is specially made to be water resistant, but not newspaper. Instead newspaper is specifically made to be porous and absorbent to allow it to soak up ink more easily.

Seeing as newspaper’s absorbency is what makes it so effective, anything highly effective should deliver an equally good result. But alternatives don’t always work as well. Soft cloths of towels are prone to leaving lint behind, for instance.

Another attribute of newspaper is the rough texture when you crumple it. This crumpled surface tends to be effective at wiping away streaks, perhaps even scraping them off the window. Soft cloths don’t have this same scraping action, so it often takes more rubbing to get rid of streaks.

Newspaper Pros and Cons

Here are some of the main benefits of cleaning windows with newspaper:

  • Newspaper is cost effective – some households may even get them for free
  • It’s easy to wipe streaks away, leaving a spotless finish
  • Cleaning windows with newspaper is like a form of recycling
  • Newspaper is biodegradable, so it’s an eco-friendly option

That said, newspaper also has its disadvantages:

  • The crumpled paper eventually gets soaked, in which case it will no longer be effective.
  • Because paper gets soaked, you’ll need a good supply of paper before you start.
  • Rubbing away stains can take a lot of time and effort.
  • Soaked pieces of paper will leave some lint and even streaks behind.
  • Newspaper pieces that are dry aren’t quite as effective as ones that are only slightly damp, so the optimal lifespan of a single piece is quite short.

Because it takes so much newspaper to clean windows, you can easily find yourself running out. In this case you’ll need to resort to using pieces that are saturated, which will leave behind a lot of lint and streaks on your windows.

Newspaper Alternatives for Cleaning Windows

There are quite a few alternatives for cleaning windows. Some of the most popular windows cleaning alternatives include squeegees and microfiber cloths. You could also use newspaper or microfiber cloths with a squeegee to help dry up any streaks left behind.

Some people also use regular cloths, towels and sponges to clean windows, albeit the most popular alternative remains a window squeegee.

When looking at alternatives, most offer a simple benefit over newspaper – they’re reusable.

Using a Squeegee for Cleaning Windows

Windows squeegees are so fast and effective – everyone should try them at least once. How to clean with a window squeegee will depend on what kind of squeegee you have.

Some squeegees are made with both a spongy side and a scraper side. If your squeegee doesn’t have a spongy side, you can use a squeegee glove to cover your squeegee. Alternatively, you can use a sponge separate from your window squeegee.

First, you must wet the window using your soap solution of choice and the spongy side of your squeegee. Be sure to wipe the whole window over with the sponge thoroughly to clean it. Once you’re done, scrape away the remaining water and soap solution using the rubber blade on your squeegee.

If there are any streaks you couldn’t get rid of using your squeegee blade, take some newspaper or a cloth to wipe it away.

Pros and Cons of Window Squeegees

Using a squeegee offers several benefits over any other methods:

  • The rubber blade on a squeegee quickly dries away water residue, preventing stains.
  • Squeegees are effective for large surfaces, as they are quicker and more convenient.
  • The handle allows you to reach the upper parts of your windows without standing on a ladder.
  • Squeegees are reusable, so you won’t need a new one every time you want to clean your windows.

While there are a lot of benefits to using squeegees, they also have some disadvantages:

  • A good quality squeegee is more expensive to buy than newspaper.
  • If you have a second floor on your house, the squeegee handle won’t allow you to reach all your windows.
  • Squeegees often leave behind small streaks that your just can seem to scrape off.
  • The water you scrape off when you use a squeegee will wet the ground, so they’re not good to use inside your house.

Despite the disadvantages of squeegees, they’re still an excellent choice for cleaning exterior windows.

Using a Microfiber Cloth to Clean Windows

Microfiber cloths are gaining popularity for household cleaning. Good quality cloths are tightly woven together, so you can see a good cloth by holding it up to a light source. If you see light poking through tiny holes on the cloth, you’ll need a better cloth to clean your windows.

The best microfiber cloth for cleaning windows is one that’s fine and delicate, like the one you might use to polish your car mirrors. The fine texture of these cloths makes them super absorbent, which is great for cleaning windows.

Pros and Cons of Using Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths offer the following benefits for cleaning windows:

  • Just like squeegees, microfiber cloths are reusable.
  • The tiny microfibers on your cloth will pick up and lint and dust from the window.
  • A good cloth is absorbent enough to hold 8 times its weight in water.
  • Microfiber cloths can reduce your need for chemicals while cleaning.

Like all other window cleaning tools, microfiber cloths have some disadvantages:

  • Good cloths are very durable and effective, but they’re also quite pricey.
  • The tiny microfibers on your cloth can come during washing, these fibers eventually find their way into the oceans, causing pollution.
  • It’s almost impossible to clean oil out of microfiber cloths, so cleaning a window with oil spatters will drastically reduce its lifespan.

All and all, microfiber cloths are effective, and you can definitely consider using them next time you clean your windows.

Conclusion: What’s the Best Way to Clean Windows?

There’s no single way that’s best to clean windows. However, newspaper alone probably isn’t as good a choice these days. For the best results, use a squeegee together with either newspaper or a microfiber cloth to wipe streaks away.

If you want the best result for the least amount of effort, opt for using a squeegee and microfiber cloth. Not only will your microfiber cloth leave no lint on your windows, its soft texture will ensure your windows stay in mint condition, free of scratches.

What do you use to clean your windows at home? Are there any methods you find more effective than others? Be sure to leave a comment and tell us what your thoughts are.

Pressure Cleaning Shopping Centers: Miami Retail Cleaning Services

Pressure Cleaning Shopping Centers: Miami Retail Cleaning Services

When it comes to retail, consumers have high expectations regarding cleanliness. Most consumers expect shopping centers and retail stores to be cleaner the homes they live in themselves. This can prove to be a challenge for retail managers, who oversee retail cleaning tasks. At Affordable Window Cleaning Miami, we offer various Miami retail cleaning services for shopping centers and retail stores. In today’s post, we aim to provide you with advice on keeping your retail space clean. We also expand the importance of pressure cleaning shopping centers and what areas are often neglected when cleaning stores.

Why it’s Challenging to Keep Retail Stores and Shopping Centers Clean?

Retail stores and shopping centers are public spaces. Most stores and shopping centers see a lot of daily foot traffic. Have you ever noticed how quickly the floors in your home dirty when a lot of people are moving in and out? That’s because everyone who goes outside gathers dirt, dust and grime from outside, which is deposited on the floors when they walk into the house.

The same happens in shopping centers, only on a much larger scale. It’s hard to keep a space clean when there’s constant foot traffic. Not only do these people bring in dirt from the outside, they also untidy the space while there.

It helps if the shopping center floors are kept clean, as this will make the task of keeping each store within the center clean easier.

That said, with the right janitorial supplies, staff training and professional retail cleaning services, keeping a shopping center clean needn’t be so difficult.

Janitorial Cleaning Supplies for Retail Cleaning

Janitors won’t be able to clean properly without the right cleaning supplies. Once you have some cleaning trolleys, be sure to fill them with the necessary equipment for retail cleaning.

Here’s what your janitors will need in each trolley:

  • Microfiber mop
  • Broom
  • Brush and scoop
  • Microfiber cleaning cloths
  • Cotton cleaning cloths
  • Window squeegee
  • An all-purpose cleaning solution
  • A floor-cleaning solution
  • Furniture cleaner and polish
  • Disinfectant solution
  • Window cleaner
  • Cleaning gloves
  • Wet floor signs
  • Trash can liners

While it won’t be part of the cleaning trolley, you should also have some commercial vacuum cleaners to pick up dust and debris from the floors.

How to Keep Shopping Center Floors Clean?

As mentioned, the high amount of foot traffic in shopping centers means there’s a lot of dirt coming into the mall from outside. There are a few things managers can do to ensure floors stay cleaner for longer:

  • Places mats at every entrance to collect dirt from visitors’ shoes before they enter.
  • Clean entrance mats daily to ensure they remain effective at collecting dirt.
  • Pressure wash parking lots regularly. A clean parking lot means less dirt will be coming in from the outside, especially for undercover parking.

Using a special commercial vacuum cleaner is a great way to ensure floors stay clean. A good vacuum cleaner can reduce the time it takes to clean floors. There are also commercial vacuum cleaners available that vacuum, mop and dry floors in one go. The benefit of this is that staff will spend much less time cleaning floors. As the machine will dry floors too, the chances of a slip-and-fall accident are greatly reduced.

How to Keep Shopping Center Bathrooms Clean?

Keeping bathrooms clean is different from other areas. Bathrooms are a breeding ground for germs. Bathroom cleaning is probably the least glamorous cleaning job, but it has to be done.

Here are some tips on keeping the shopping center bathroom hygienic and spotless:

  • Appoint cleaning staff specifically to bathrooms. One staff member for every two bathrooms should be enough, depending on the size of the bathrooms.
  • Supply staff with special cleaning supplies for bathroom cleaning.
  • Train staff to wipe all bathroom surfaces with a disinfectant. Taps, door handles and toilet seats are especially important.
  • Set up hourly checks for each bathroom where a staff member will inspect the bathroom to ensure its cleanliness.
  • Have cleaners wipe up water spills immediately to avoid people stepping in the puddle, as this will spread the problem.
  • Make sure that mirrors are cleaned often.
  • Supply cleaners with “out of order” signs for toilet cubicle handles.
  • Clean toilets daily with toilet cleaner

Hanging “out of order” signs is useful when there’s a plumbing issue with one of the toilets. It can also give cleaners a chance to let a toilet cleaning solution stay in the bowel for a while to effectively disinfect and clean it. This done one toilet at a time during times of the day when traffic is low.

Retail Cleaning Schedules and Staff Management

The two most important aspects of cleaning retail spaces is having the correct supplies and managing staff correctly. Be sure all staff members are trained on retail cleaning best practices.

Also be sure to set up an effective schedule and checklist for cleaning tasks. This will help staff members manage their time well while ensuring no areas in the shopping center or store are forgotten.

If possible, have cleaning staff do a short training program on cleaning protocols for your shopping center to ensure cleanliness standards are met.

Outsourcing Work to a Retail Cleaning Service

Shopping center staff will be able to do everyday cleaning tasks, however, there are some cleaning jobs that should be outsourced to a professional cleaning company. Jobs to outsource typically include tasks that staff are unable to do, as well as exterior cleaning. The following jobs should typically be outsourced to a Miami retail cleaning service:

  • Interior and exterior pressure washing
  • Cleaning skylights and windows that are high up
  • Roof cleaning
  • Cleaning gutters and drainage systems
  • High-rise cleaning on walls, windows and other structures
  • Spring cleaning warehouses where stores keep stock

While these tasks don’t make up part of daily cleaning, they should be done at least annually or biannually to keep your retail space in mint condition. Setting up a regular schedule with a retail cleaning service is a good way to ensure the shopping center is always immaculately clean.

Benefits of Pressure Cleaning Shopping Centers

As mentioned, consumers normally expect shopping centers and stores to be cleaner than their own homes. This expectation is the same for both the inside and outside of the premises.

Pressure cleaning is a great way to remove tough dirt and grimy buildup in exterior spaces of the shopping mall. Here’s why pressure cleaning is great for shopping centers:

  • High pressure water beams effectively remove though dirt and stains.
  • Intensive cleaning provides results that lives up to the expectations of consumers.
  • Pressure cleaning is great for areas where other methods are too tedious or ineffective.
  • Regular retail pressure cleaning can cut on maintenance costs, due to mold or algae growths.

Hiring Miami retail cleaning services is a great way to take care of some work that your regular cleaning staff aren’t equipped to do. For example, the following cleaning services can be contracted out to a pressure washing retail cleaning service:

  • Parking lots
  • Building exteriors
  • Sidewalks and pavements
  • Exterior signage
  • Exterior store fronts
  • Warehouse of depot center floors and structures
  • Shopping carts
  • Concrete or tiled flooring
  • Restaurant decks

When hiring a company to pressure clean a shopping center, make sure that there aren’t spots that are forgotten. There are many parts of the center where consumers won’t walk that also need cleaning. Loading dock pavements and store depot centers also need to be cleaned.

Windows skylights that are too high to reach are also easy to forget about. Book regular sessions with a commercial window cleaner to ensure all windows are kept spotless.

Miami Retail Cleaning Services

Affordable Window Cleaning Miami can take care of all your retail cleaning needs. Our retail cleaning services are will help keep your shopping center spotless. From pressure washing parking lots, to cleaning grease stains from automotive workshop floors, our team of professional pressure cleaners know how to handle your job properly.

As our company name suggests, we also offer commercial window cleaning services. We are fully equipped to handle any window cleaning job. If you need to hire a professional retail cleaning company to clean skylights and high up windows that regular staff can reach, feel free to contact us.

high rise window cleaning in Miami

The Average Cost of High Rise Window Cleaning in Miami

The cleanliness of your windows can say a lot about the professionalism of your company. However, cleaning the windows on a high rise building, or even lower buildings isn’t something you can tackle yourself.

If your windows are due for a clean again, you might be wondering what it will cost to hire a professional commercial window cleaning company in Miami. In reality, there’s no simple answer to this question, as there are a lot of variables that could influence how much you end up paying.

According to the US National Fire Protection Association, a high rise building can be defined as any building 75 feet or taller. For the average building, this amounts to about 7 stories in minimum height. Multi-level buildings under 7 stories are classified as midrise buildings. However, the cost of hiring a commercial window cleaner in Miami will be similar for both high and midrise buildings.

Commercial Window Cleaning Cost in Miami, FL

The cost of window cleaning in Miami is similar to the rest of the United States. In the US, the price can vary depending on some factors. One of the most important variables is location. As with products on services, window cleaning costs are more expensive in cities than in towns.

The cost of commercial window cleaning in the US can range between $5.50 and $14.50 per window pane. The average cost of window cleaning, however, is approximately $10.00 per pane.

Seeing as Miami, FL is a large city, the cost of window cleaning will be between the average to higher end of the scale. So for a high rise building, window cleaning services can range from $10.00 or more per window pane.

The cost of window cleaning can differ depend on a number of factors:

  • The amount of window panes
  • How high the building level is
  • Amount of labor necessary
  • The number of buildings being done
  • Additional services required

Unfortunately, cleaning high rise windows will likely end up costing more than $10.00 per window pane. This is because an additional cost of $3.00 to $5.00 might apply for windows from the third story above. Special equipment is required to clean such high windows, leading to an increased cost. Considering this, the average cost of high and midrise window cleaning in Miami can range between $13.00 to $15.00 per window.

Relatively clean windows might be cheaper to clean than windows with a lot of dirt buildup, for instance. This is mainly because of the extra time and labor involved in cleaning windows with grime, such as mineral deposits (water stains) from rain etc.

Additional Window Cleaning Costs

The flat rate of approximately $10.00 per window pane doesn’t necessarily cover all the window cleaning services required. A Miami window cleaning company could also charge extra for the following services:

  • Paint or stain removal can range between $3.30 to $6.00 per window. In Miami, this amount would generally be somewhere in between.
  • Sliding glass door cleaning ranges between $2.50 and $8.00 per door. In Miami, you can expect to pay between the mid to high range for this service.
  • Some window cleaners exclude sills and window tracks, offering it as an additional service. As an additional service, the price will range between $0.50 and $5.00 extra.
  • Screen cleaning cost between $0.50 and $5.00 per window. However, in Miami, you can expect to pay from midrange and up for this service.
  • The charge for mineral deposits can skyrocket your window cleaning costs. The average charge for cleaning mineral deposits is $20.00 per pane. Although this will differ from one company to another.

The cost of all of the above services will depend from one window cleaning company to another. While one window cleaner might include sills and window tracks in their flat rate, they might be much more expensive for higher levels and vice versa.

The fact that cleaning mineral deposits means that windows that haven’t been cleaned in a long time, can cost much more to clean. This is one reason why it’s important to have your high rise building windows cleaned on a regular basis.

The important thing is to choose a company that offers great service and does the work efficiently and properly. Price can play a role, but it should never be the only thing you consider when choosing a Miami window cleaner.

The Importance of Regular Window Cleaning

The cleanliness of your building windows is definitely important if you’re trying to make a good impression. Dirty windows on an apartment or office building will make the whole building seem dilapidated and neglected. Potential tenants or even office employees are sure to notice the rundown appearance of the building caused by the building.

Clean windows look fresh and lively, especially since cleaner windows allow more light to come in. Extremely dirty, grimy windows allow substantially less light to come though. Natural sunlight isn’t just an aesthetic issue. Exposure to sunlight is important in the production of Vitamin D. A lack of exposure to sunlight can lead to fatigue and even mild depression.

Because clean windows make a space feel livelier, cleaning your windows can help boost employee performance for corporate buildings.

When you allow your windows to become overly dirty before booking a cleaning, the cost of window cleaning will usually be more expensive. To keep the cost of window cleaning in check, it’s always better to book scheduled window cleaning services.

On average, it’s recommended to clean your building widows about twice a year, or once every six months. If your building has window screens, they can be washed annually. This means you can book to clean your window screens with every second cleaning.

Most importantly, however, keeping your windows clean is a good way to maintain a decent standard of cleanliness. By taking pride in your building, you showcase your own personal dignity to the world.

Why Hire a Professional Window Cleaner?

Hiring a professional window cleaner is always a better option than cleaning windows yourself. A professional window cleaner will handle the task of cleaning your windows in a more efficient manner, while also providing a superior outcome.

For normal buildings hiring a professional can be a matter of luxury. Doing the work yourself is an option, albeit not a very attractive one. When it comes to high and midrise buildings, however, hiring a professional is essential.

Professional window cleaners have all the necessary equipment to clean windows on higher levels. The higher the building, the more important it is to hire trained professionals. Professional windows cleaners are able to clean the windows on any building, whether it’s a one-story house, or a 40 level skyscraper.

Some other benefits of hiring a professional window cleaner include:

  • Better finish: Hiring a professional ensures your windows will sparkle
  • Safety reasons: Professionals are trained to work high up cleaning high rise building windows, which helps to reduce the risk of falls.
  • Cost: Hiring a professional window cleaner allows staff working in your building to focus only on their jobs. Seeing as professionals are trained for safety and fully insured, you won’t have to worry about reimbursing injuries etc.
  • Window care: Professional window cleaners are trained to clean windows without causing damage, such as scratches. This not only keeps your windows looking better, but can also save money on replacement costs.

All these factors combined makes high rise window cleaning services an apparent choice.

How to Choose a Window Cleaner in Miami?

There are a few factors to consider when choosing a window cleaning service:

  • Insurance: If anything unexpected happens, you want to know you won’t be liable for damages. Whether there’s liability for injuries or damage to your building, your window cleaner should be able to cover the damages with insurance
  • Professional staff: For the best results, you should hire a company who takes pride in training their staff. A company that hires employees without training them might do more harm than good, as scratches might be left behind on your window
  • Good service: Hire a company with good reviews, or get a reference from someone you know. Good service is imperative to get the results your hoping for.

Every window cleaning company is different, and so is every building! The best window cleaners are able to offer a wide variety of window cleaning services for all kinds of buildings. While you might think that a window cleaner with narrow service offerings offers a more specialized service, this isn’t necessarily the case. When a window cleaner can clean the windows on any building, it’s a good sign that they specialize in window cleaning, and aren’t just cleaning generalists.

Your windows are a gateway for light into your building. Clean windows also allow building occupants to enjoy the outside scenery and take in the view. By booking to have your windows cleaned regularly, your building will look as good as it’s meant to. Contact Window Cleaning Miami today to book your cleaning for anything from a residential to high rise building.

Have Your Yacht Windows Clean for the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show

The Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show is the place to present pristine boats both new and previously owned from all over the world. When a bevy of yachts dock in close proximity to one another, it is easy to tell which ones stand out with a sparkling presence. Professionally cleaned windows make a huge difference between the boats that sell and those that do not.

Salt Stains Windows

Salt is a major culprit to your yacht’s windows. This is because salt crystals form when salt dries. With a fine sand consistency, crystals scratch glass windows like sandpaper. If left on glass long enough, it can cause permanent damage.

It takes time to clean boat windows. Matter of fact, it can take 30 minutes or longer to effectively clean them the right way. Professionals have time to implement the proper steps to ensure investors, buyers and other boat owners—even your competitors—notice a job well done.

Certain Products Scratch Windows

Detergents and strong abrasives scratch windows. The wrong chemicals make glass, vinyl, and plastic windows, in particular, to look cloudy and become brittle. What’s more, manufactured windows differ in design and maintenance recommendations. Plastic windows especially must have special treatment and require regular cleaning.

Unfortunately, silicones and alcohol are chemicals found in common glass cleaners cause irreversible marring. This poses a challenge for do-it-yourselfers. Professional window cleaning reduces the risk, eliminates guesswork, and gets results.

Humid Temperatures and Dew Create Salty Windows

In humid weather, salt draws water out of the air. At night, salt mixes with dew and turn into saltwater. So we know that salt causes havoc to windows, but the dew point plays an important part in how windows look too. When air is full of water vapor, water droplets form called condensation. This also forms on windows. Window washing experts use best practices along with industry recommended materials to wipe away morning dew from your windows. They have tips to share in preparation for your boat shows and family fun excursions.

Mold on Windows Pose Health Risks

Mold is the circular brown, yellow, white, gray, black or blue furry fungus spores that develop on or nearby windows, and along window hatches. Mold forms where dirt stays. We know mold forms in warm humid weather, it is also true that mold forms in cold weather. Mold accumulation causes fatigue, allergic reactions, and respiratory problems in humans.

Since excess moisture contributes to mold formation, effective window cleaning is vital for the maintenance of your windows at the very least. It is extremely important to follow through with drying windows completely.

Yacht Window Washing Involves Using Special Techniques

It is typical for the average boat owner to wash their boat’s windows at the same time as washing down the rest of the boat. by doing that, debris could splash everywhere. For example, if you use a high-pressure hose nozzle to power off the salt on the cockpit deck, it could get into the engine compartment and cause rust.

Expert window cleaners use a different method on the hatches than on the windows themselves. They lower the stream to the right intensity to clear all debris from that area.

Here’s an easy solution: Bypass the trial and error phase of learning specific techniques that take up your time. Select a window washing provider skilled in the cleaning care for your type of boat windows.

Safety During the Yacht Cleaning Process

Washing windows is a time-consuming task and it takes away from other preparations needed to get your boat ready for showing. From a safety standpoint, as you clean, you must be careful to wipe spills, otherwise, someone might suffer an injury from a fall after slipping on a patch of water.

Leave it to the experts. Meticulous window washing and drying is what professional yacht window washers do daily. Make safety a top priority and hire the best yacht window-cleaning specialists.

Aesthetics: The Way Your Boat Looks Draws Attention

What the windows look like on the outside gets prospects attention. Everyone gravitates to boats that have sparkling windows. They beckon them to come inside and look. When potential buyers walk inside, they want to see the clear blue ocean as if there were no windows at all.

Clean windows are your advertising campaign for your yacht. This is factual whether your boat’s windows are made of glass, plastic, vinyl, or a polyester composite, acrylic, or polycarbonate. How you take care of your boat, no matter how small or large says a lot about the owner. Clean windows make the statement that you care.

Utilize a yacht window cleaning service provider and get your yacht show-ready for this year’s Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show. The investment will pay off because buyers are more willing to purchase boats that look new rather than soiled. Windows that are professionally cleaned make all the difference. Contact us today and display your boat in style at the show. Call now.