3 Ways to Spruce Up Your Property

Owning a property can be quite demanding. Many individuals who purchase property for commercial or residential purposes forget the actual day-to-day costs incurred when investing in property. If you have purchased a property in Miami, then it is important to assess what aspects you need to maintain of your property on a regular basis. Here are three ways to spruce up your property:

1. Window Cleaning in Miami: Window cleaning benefits both residential and commercial properties in Miami. The reason for this is that these properties incur a great deal of wear and tear from the weather in Miami. Keeping both exterior and interior windows clean is absolutely vital. Be sure that you are investing in window cleaning to keep the energy in your property fresh and inspiring.

2. Miami Pressure Cleaning: Pressure cleaning is necessary to clear out roof debris and eliminate stains on concrete from storms. Ideally, pressure completed should be completed several times per year. Be sure that you are completing these services regularly in order to avoid long term fees.

3. Hire a Repair Technician: When acquiring a new piece of property, it is best to hire a repair technician to conduct a sweep to see what needs to be repaired. This will be something that will be quite useful to you because it will allow any unexposed problems to come to light and be repaired. Additionally, it helps to do this several times throughout the year as well in order to avoid expensive potential repairs going unnoticed.

It is wise to invest in sprucing up your property regardless of whether it is commercial or residential. If you invest in these services, you will see a noticeable difference in how your property appeals to customers and potential tenants alike. Be sure that you invest in the proper cleaning services to make your real estate truly stand out.

4 Benefits to Maintaining your office windows clean

Business owners have a plethora of responsibilities. What ends up occurring as a result is that they often forget to invest in functions and/or services in their business that increase a substantial value to both their employees and their clients. Some pertinent examples of this can be see in services such as pressure cleaning and window cleaning. If your office is located in the greater Miami area, then it is important to invest in pressure cleaning and window cleaning in Miami. Here are four benefits to maintaining the cleanliness of your office windows this season:

1. Conference Room Visibility: If you have a spacious conference room that clients can enjoy, it is imperative to maintain it. If the window is dirty, it will not only reflect poorly on you, but it will also reflect poorly on your employees.

2. Front Entrance Facade: If you have an office space that is lower to the ground, it is imperative to have your front entrance door clean because it is the first impression your clients will have of your business.

3. Employee Productivity: If you have a space that has many windows, your employees will do better work by the windows. This is why it is essential to keep the windows clean to improve your employee’s quality of life. Investing in this quintessential investment will serve you well going forward.

4. Visibility Overall: Regardless of whether you have a space on the ground or in the sky, window cleaning provides more light into your space, which benefits everyone. Thus, be sure that you take the time to invest in the space.

Investing in your office space with the proper cleaning services is essential. The sooner that you do this, the better. You will immediately see how it positively affects both your employees and your clients in the long term.

Why you Should Hire a Professional Miami Window Cleaning Service

The benefits of having clean windows go well beyond aesthetics. Sure, clean windows look inviting from the outside and provide beautiful view of outdoors from the inside. But did you know that clean windows can help you save significant dollars from your electricity and gas bills?

Clean, shiny windows add to the energy efficiency of your facility (home or office) because they can reflect sun’s rays more efficiently than dirty, smeared windows. They allow more natural heat and light to enter indoors and sanitize the place. Your energy costs reduce as a result. Natural light has also been linked with decreased instances of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Further, dirty glass panes, when left in the same state for long, develop stains and etching on their surface, damaging the windows. You may have to replace them all together, shelling out several hundred dollars in the process. And all of this just because the windows were not cleaned thoroughly and/or not cleaned regularly.

And while you could try to clean them on your own, it is a job best left for the professionals. Professional windows cleaners are equipped with the knowledge and to clean thoroughly, in a way that allows you to make your home more energy efficient. They know the technological know-hows including the use of right chemicals, cleaning techniques and pressure.

Here are some of the most compelling reasons to hire a professional window cleaning service.

Different types of windows need different cleaning mechanisms. Top-to-bottom sliding windows for instance, must always be cleaned on the top-half first. Only after both inside and outside panes are cleaned must you work on the lower half of the window. Further, different hand motions during cleaning provide different finish. Professional window cleaners have the knowledge and the experience to clean different windows and provide a streak-free, bright and shiny window with no smudges.

Thoroughly cleaned windows that help in energy efficiency must be cleaned using the right cleaning solutions, the correct squeegees and using the right tools. Professionals use pressure-based window washing systems to remove dirt, dust, bacteria, mold and other unwanted elements from every nook and corner of the window.

Professionals use de-ionized water, eco-friendly chemicals and water fed poles for meticulous cleaning. They have all the right tools to do the job efficiently including ladders and extension poles to reach top level windows. They bring their own equipment to the job so that you don’t have to invest in purchasing and then storing the tools and chemicals needed for a detailed cleaning job.

What is your plan for the hard-to-reach windows? Do you plan to risk your safety, possibly life, in cleaning them? Do you plan to let them be because they’re hard to reach? Professional window cleaners can safely reach inaccessible windows on complicated rooftops, overhangs and other elements of complex architecture in your building.

Any thorough job is a time taking job. Windows have a fixed frame that you cannot remove for convenient and easy cleaning. Glass panes need gentle handling, increasing the amount of time and care you need to put into the job. Plus, if you have several windows to clean, the job could take weeks!

Hand the task to professionals and you can make better use of your time. Further, their knowledge, experience and tools allow professional window cleaners to finish the job faster and better than you.

Peace of mind 
Having a professional clean your windows will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing the job is going to be done by experts who know what they are doing and can therefore finish it in a timely fashion. You’ll know they are safe and you’ll know they have themselves covered for any accidents. Always hire professional window cleaners with proper insurance.

Tips for getting your windows cleaned

Keeping your windows as clean as possible is a big part of keeping the home area presentable and attractive to the eye, but sometimes it can be difficult to get the entire window cleaning job done on your own. This can especially be the case if there are a lot of windows that must be cleaned, something which is more than likely in a larger home area or building. If you need some special help to get your windows cleaned, then you should certainly consider hiring a professional pressure window cleaning company in Miami rather than attempting to do it all on your own, which could take many hours to complete.

All you have to do to find several or more pressure window cleaning companies in Miami is spend some time searching online. This way you should be able to find a few different companies offering these services and from here on all you need to do is pick the one that seems to be offering the best prices. With all of the different window cleaning companies available, it is only a matter of time before you find the one that you feel is capable and reliable enough to get the job done according to your standards.

4 Benefits to Maintaining the Cleanliness of Your Office Windows This Season

Business owners have a plethora of responsibilities. What ends up occurring as a result is that they often forget to invest in functions and/or services in their business that increase a substantial value to both their employees and their clients. Some pertinent examples of this can be see in services such as pressure cleaning and window cleaning. If your office is located in the greater Miami area, then it is important to invest in pressure cleaning and window cleaning in Miami. Here are four benefits to maintaining the cleanliness of your office windows this season:

1. Conference Room Visibility: If you have a spacious conference room that clients can enjoy, it is imperative to maintain it. If the window is dirty, it will not only reflect poorly on you, but it will also reflect poorly on your employees.

2. Front Entrance Facade: If you have an office space that is lower to the ground, it is imperative to have your front entrance door clean because it is the first impression your clients will have of your business.

3. Employee Productivity: If you have a space that has many windows, your employees will do better work by the windows. This is why it is essential to keep the windows clean to improve your employee’s quality of life. Investing in this quintessential investment will serve you well going forward.

4. Visibility Overall: Regardless of whether you have a space on the ground or in the sky, window cleaning provides more light into your space, which benefits everyone. Thus, be sure that you take the time to invest in the space.

Investing in your office space with the proper cleaning services is essential. The sooner that you do this, the better. You will immediately see how it positively affects both your employees and your clients in the long term.

4 Often Neglected Cleaning Services in Miami

If you own real estate in Miami, it is your duty to protect that real estate. If you are able to to, you will find that you will have an issue in terms of finding the right cleaning services to properly maintain your property. If you are looking for a list of often neglected cleaning services in Miami, then consider the recommendations below:

1. Miami Pressure Cleaning: Pressure cleaning is helpful both inside and outside of a property. For this reason, it is recommended that you invest in pressure cleaning for many different services on your property.

2. Window Cleaning in Miami: Window cleaning is also something that often gets neglected. Window cleaning will be something that is quite positive in terms of making the overall environment of your space better.

3. Tile Grate Cleaning: Tile is quite popular in Miami. For this reason, it is something that is often neglected with property owners. This is why it is wise to have this cleaned on your floors and bathroom counters. This will serve as a great benefit to you.

4. Reorganization Service: At times, you need to reorganize your space to make it have a better atmosphere. Thus, having someone to help you reorganize your space is a great investment for you to improve the Feng Shui in your home.

It is important that you regularly invest in cleaning services. Having the proper cleaning services will help you to have a positive environment in your home. It will also keep away common allergies and germs that tend to lay dormant in properties if they are not properly regularly clean. Thus, be sure that you take the time to invest in cleaning your property. In the end, you will feel the difference in your space and be truly elated that you did so.

3 Benefits of Clean Windows

window cleaning
clean windows


Cleaning windows on your own is often more of a hassle than you bargained for, which is why you need professional window cleaning services. Cleaning windows correctly is a lot of hard work whether you are cleaning the windows of your home or business. Here are a few reasons you should invest in professional window cleaning services.

Enhance the Beauty of Your Windows

The beauty of your windows is important for the beauty of the rest of your residence or business. As a rule, windows should be cleaned at least twice each year. This rule keeps windows free of dust, mold, mildew, and other debris off the window. A window is truly beautiful when you can look through it from the inside and outside without shadows from dead bugs, smudges, and other unsightly marks. Sunlight is natural light that give rooms in your home a warm, natural glow.

Beautiful Residential and Commerical Windows

If you’re running a business, landing a client and closing a deal is one of the most difficult aspects of running a business. The windows of your business can be the difference between gaining a client or losing one. Aside from your work ethic, awards, and medals you may have won, clean windows are another indication you take pride in your business.

If you plan to sell your home, you want to make the best first impression possible. After you clean your home and the cut the lawn, make sure the windows of your home are clean. Clean windows are one of the most inviting features of a home, especially when you intend on selling it. You want to attract as many buyers as possible to your home, and possibly increase its value.

Increase Window Longevity

No one wants to waste money, and not investing in professional window cleaning services is one sure way to spend unnecessary money. Professional window cleaners get the job done correctly the first time, and help keep your windows looking brand new. Environmental contaminants destroy your windows. These contaminants include hard water, acid rain, and oxidation and they destroy your windows. If these issues are not corrected, you will spend a lot of money on replacement windows each year.

Increase your comfort level

Wherever you are, you deserve to be relaxed and comfortable, and having clean windows in your home or office will get the job done. Even though you have things to get done at work or have chores to do around the house, there’s nothing like feeling refreshed and relaxed while you’re completing necessary tasks. When you’re uptight and stressed, dirty windows will make you feel worse. The sight of streaks, smudges, dirt, dust, and fingerprints are all things that can put you in a bad mood. No need to be grumpy. We are here to help. We will make your windows sparkle and gleam with beauty.

Get Clean Windows Today!

A clean window is a happy window. Everyone who visits your home or business will rant and rave about how crystal-clear your windows are. Contact us today to get your sparkling diamond windows.

Best Window Cleaning Techniques and Methods

Best Window Cleaning Techniques and Methods

Summer is here, so it’s the perfect time to clean your windows to let the sunlight shine on. Window cleaning isn’t the most glamorous job, but the end results are always a pleasure to see. There’s something about perfectly clean windows that’s just incredibly satisfying. Especially when the windows are so clean, it looks like they aren’t even there! But getting those results aren’t always easy. If you’re using the wrong window cleaning techniques, chances are you’ll end up with some streaks.

Window Cleaning Tips: Before You Start

There are a few things to consider before start. Firstly, you don’t want to clean your windows on a hot, sunny day. While a sunny day might seem like the perfect “window cleaning weather”, it’s actually the opposite. Your window cleaning solution will dry far more quickly on a hot day. When water dries on your window, it’s almost sure to leave a mark.

Next, you need to consider the current state of your windows. You’ll need to choose the ideal window cleaning technique to use based on how dirty your windows are. If your windows are only a little dirty, there are plenty of quick and easy window cleaning methods that don’t require harsh chemicals.

The last to check before you start cleaning is dust. Dust not only accumulates on windows, also check the caulking, window sills and other areas. Also remember to look both inside and outside! If you find any dust, cleaning away the dust before you start to clean your windows can make your job a lot easier.

Assuming the weather is cool (perhaps even slightly cloudy) and your windows are dusty, the first thing you’ll need to do before you start cleaning is to vacuum clean. You could use a normal household or industrial vacuum cleaner for this, but a specialized window vac would make things a lot easier. Vacuum both the inside and outside of your windows before you proceed with cleaning them.

If you don’t want to vacuum clean your windows, you could remove dust by brushing or sweeping it off. Just be prepared, because (depending on how dirty your windows are) doing this could simply transfer all the dust, cobwebs and other debris from your windows onto the floor.

Cleaning Windows that Aren’t Too Dirty

If your windows aren’t too dirty, cleaning them can be relatively effortless. If your windows aren’t really dusty, but there are some fingerprints and perhaps even water stains you’d like to remove, there are a few ways you can go about cleaning them.

The simplest method is by using a microfiber cloth and some homemade window cleaner, vinegar or a window cleaning solution of your choice. Simply spray some of your cleaning solution onto the window and wipe it away with a dry microfiber cloth. Just make sure you use a good, high-quality cloth.

For cleaning windows, microfiber cloths with a tight, yet fine weave are best. Think about the kind of microfiber cloth you’d use to clean your glasses’ lenses or polish your car mirrors – that’s the kind of cloth that will get you the best results when cleaning windows too.

If you prefer a more old-fashioned approach, then a squeegee is a great option. Cleaning your windows with a squeegee will require more steps, but a lot of people still prefer it. If you struggle with any streaks after you use your squeegee, you can always still use a microfiber cloth to wipe up any dampness after using the squeegee.

Avoid using paper kitchen towels though. Paper towels will just leave lint deposits all over your window. If you don’t have any microfiber cloths, crumpled newspaper is a better choice than kitchen towels.

Crumpled newspaper polishes windows without leaving behind too much lint. Unfortunately, this can scratch your windows a bit and you’ll need a decent supply of old newspapers if you’re planning to clean a lot of windows. When a piece of newspaper gets soggy it will also start to shed a lot of lint and will no longer do a good job of polishing your windows.

Cleaning Normal Dirty Windows

Not everyone can clean windows very often. A lot of people only start noticing their windows once they’re already quite dirty. They might have a thin coating of dust on the outside, and some fingerprints and stains on the inside. Although your windows might not be ideally clean, they’re still far from making the place seem like an old, abandoned warehouse.

If your windows sound like the ones mentioned above, vacuuming (or brushing) them before you start to clean them will make your job a bit easier. Most windows gather dust on the outside before they start to look dirty on the inside, so focus on the outside panes while you dust.

Once you’re done dusting, you can decide whether you want to try a microfiber cloth or a squeegee to clean with. If you find that your microfiber cloth is collecting dirt and grime too quickly, it’s probably best to back up and opt for cleaning with a squeegee instead.

Alternatively, you could try to clean the outside areas of your windows by pressure cleaning them. Pressure cleaning isn’t something you can do yourself. You’d need to hire a professional power cleaning company to handle the job for you, but it could make the job a lot easier.

Cleaning Oily Windows

There are a lot of things that can dirty a window to the point of being plain filthy. Perhaps you have a window in a kitchen that’s close to an oven. Oil and food spatters can easily build up and if left for a while, the results can be nightmarish to clean.

Kitchens aren’t the only place where windows can be prone to oil spatters and stains though. Automobile workshops often suffer the same fate, as motor oil is often everywhere, including the windows.

The first thing to note about oil spills on windows is that microfiber cloths won’t be effective to clean them. It’s better use an abrasive sponge and a cleaning solution that can dissolve the oiliness. Vinegar could work in many cases, but if the windows are seriously oily dishwashing liquid or a professional window cleaning solution might work better.

Gently scrub away the dirt and grit with your abrasive sponge. After this, you can wipe or rinse away the residue and follow up this cleaning with a regular microfiber cloth a squeegee clean.

If you have residue buildup on the outside windows of your building, pressure washing can also be an option, although it’s not common for windows to get a lot of oil stains on the outside panes.

Cleaning Very Dirty Windows

At some point, you might be left with the task of cleaning windows that do, in fact, look like they belong in an old, abandoned warehouse. This is exactly the kind of window cleaning work everyone likes to avoid, but you simple can’t always escape it.

Windows that haven’t been cleaned in a long time can have mold, dust, grime and even paint stains. If you see any mold growing on your windows, it might be best to call in a window cleaning company to do the cleaning. Professionals will know how to follow the right safety measures to avoid inhaling mold spores, or possibly even spread them to new areas.

If you have paint stains on your window, you can either scratch it off using a sharp razor blade and your chosen window cleaning solution, or you could wipe it off by using turpentine or paint thinner. If you choose to wipe stains away by dissolving the paint, just be sure to keep old rags or paper kitchen towels ready. You’ll need to work fast to wipe away the solution of paint and turpentine before it dries on your windows.

Professional Window Cleaning Services in Miami

Sometimes cleaning windows yourself just isn’t worth the time and effort. After all, you don’t have the same equipment and level of experience as professionals do. Calling a professional window cleaning service is good if you want to save time, but there are instances where it can be absolutely necessary.

If your windows are high up, or if they are dirty enough to pose a health hazard, hiring a window cleaning company is definitely the best choice. Both these scenarios can pose risks that trained professionals will know how to deal with.


The Effectiveness of Microfiber Cloths for Cleaning Windows

Like all regular cleaning materials, microfiber cloths are simple items. This is exactly why it might come as a surprise that there’s a lot more to microfiber cloths than meets the eye.

Microfiber has been around on the market since the 1970’s and since that time it’s developed and improved quite a bit. No longer are these microfiber cloths only good for cleaning your eye glasses or polishing the side view mirrors on your car. Microfiber is the modern way to clean almost anything!

One area of cleaning where microfiber is particularly useful, is for cleaning windows and glass. That’s because the properties of these cloths help you get the crisp, clear shine you expect to get from from a freshly cleaned window.

What Is Microfiber?

Microfiber is a term to refer to any fabric that has strands of less than one denier. Most microfiber materials are made from synthetic fabrics such as polyester and polyamides such as nylon and tragomide.

To give some perspective to the thinness of microfibers, a denier is a measurement unit to measure the mass density of fabric fibers. It’s a measurement system that works by measuring the mass of a fiber (in grams) per 9 kilometers (which is approximately 5.6 miles) of its stretched out yarn. Although the density of a specific fiber’s material will also play a role in the denier measurement – thinner fibers will tend to yield a result that’s a lot lighter than that of thicker strands.

Also, for a material to qualify as microfiber, its fibers should be thinner than 10 micrometers, meaning the individual fibers in a microfiber cloth are microscopically small.

When comparing the results of microfiber to that of other common fibers, it becomes especially apparent just how thin the cloth fibers are. For example, silk fibers – which are very thin – tend to be about one denier. As mentioned, microfiber is always less than that, meaning all microfiber is finer than silk. When compared to a human hair, microfibers are about 100 times thinner.

The super thin nature of microfiber strands is exactly what makes it a great material for cleaning cloths.

Cleaning Benefits of Microfiber

Microfiber is a useful material and is often used to manufacture all sorts of products, not only cleaning materials. However, the benefits on microfiber go hand in hand with effective cleaning.

The fact that microfiber strands are so thin is exactly what gives the material such good qualities for cleaning purposes. That’s because the ultra fine fibers have the ability to trap even the finest dust particles.

In fact, the fibers in microfiber cloths are so small, they can even trap bacteria and microscopic mold spores. While microfiber cloths aren’t as effective at cleaning away microscopic pathogens as a disinfectants are, microfiber cloths can significantly reduce bacteria in areas you clean – making it highly effective for everyday cleaning.

Microfiber also has a great capacity for attracting and trapping moisture between the tiny fibers – making microfiber cloths great for polishing anything, as they don’t leave any water lines behind after wiping.

Perhaps the only thing that microfiber cloths aren’t quite as good at cleaning is oil. Oil particles will get trapped between the super thin fibers and is nearly impossible to wash out again – causing the cloth to become permanently soiled in oil.

In summary, here are some of the main benefits of using microfiber cloths when compared to other cleaning materials:

  • No streaks are left behind after wiping
  • Even microscopic particles can be wiped off surfaces
  • Cloths attract moisture and can hold up to 8 times their weight in water
  • The tiny fibers are suitable for even the most delicate surfaces
  • Quality cloths are extremely durable and can last much longer than other common materials

All these factors combined make microfiber cloths the ideal thing for cleaning almost any surface.

Reduce the Need for Cleaning Chemicals

Because microfiber cloths have great properties for attracting and trapping dirt, the cloths are great to use without cleaning chemicals. A simple spray bottle of water and your cloth is all you need. Water can also be mixed with a mild cleaning agent like vinegar or some form of alcohol like ethanol – both of which are natural and safe for cleaning.

This means that using microfiber cloths can greatly reduce the amount of harmful chemicals necessary to clean an area. Reducing the need for using harmful cleaning chemicals is good for the environment, human health and saves a lot of money, seeing as strong chemical cleaning agents are often expensive.

This adds to the benefits of microfiber cloths, as they’re an environmentally friendly alternative to strong cleaning chemicals and are also highly economical in terms of cost and durability.

Why Normal Window Cleaning Methods are Ineffective

One of the traditional ways of cleaning windows is using a squeegee soaked with a combination of water and cleaning chemicals wipe the window clean and remove dirt. After that, comes the dreaded crumpled newspaper pieces, which are used to prevent of water stains and lines often left behind after cleaning with a squeegee.

There are multiple reasons why this method of cleaning windows isn’t very effective:

  • The water-soaked squeegee drips onto floor, leaving a mess behind
  • Using crumpled newspaper to prevent stains and watermarks off windows isn’t very gentle and can leave scratches on windows
  • Once the crumpled newspaper becomes soaked, small pieces of paper can start it peel off while polishing, causing a mess
  • Cleaning windows in two steps takes a lot longer than cleaning them in one easy and gentle step

Another popular way for cleaning windows, is using paper towels and a bottle of window cleaner. With this method, the window cleaner is sprayed onto the window and immediately wiped away with a paper towel. The benefit of this cleaning method is that it only involves one step, seeing as the paper towel won’t leave behind any marks on the window.

However, using this method to clean windows is still inefficient, as it takes a lot of paper towels and window cleaner to clean a relatively small area of window. This is not only costly, but harmful to the environment. Because this inefficiency, using the paper towel method simply isn’t an option when cleaning larger commercial buildings with a lot of windows.

As with newspaper pieces, paper towels can start to peel when they become too wet. Both paper towels and newspaper are prone to shed some of their particles while cleaning. Creating lines of dust-like lint particles on clean windows.

Cleaning Windows with Microfiber Cloths

Cleaning windows with a microfiber cloth is simple. Here’s how to use a microfiber cloth to get beautifully clean windows without any hassle:

  • Dampen your microfiber cloth with water
  • Fold the cloth in half, then fold this half again to create a square pad
  • Wipe the windows as you’d normally wipe a counter top or other surface area
  • Once the window is clean, flip the cloth over to its dry side to wipe away moisture on damp areas
  • If the microfiber cloth becomes dirty, simply refold it to get a fresh area of the cloth to clean with

That’s it! No need for strong cleaning chemicals or anything like that. As an alternative to dampening the cloth before you start cleaning your windows, you can also have a spray bottle with water on hand. With this method, you’ll spray water onto the window and wipe it away immediately using a dry microfiber cloth.

For dirtier windows, a mixture of water with a mild, natural cleaning agent. Vinegar, alcohol or dish washing liquid are great choices to mix with water and spray onto windows. Simply wipe the mixture away with your microfiber cloth the leave windows spotless.

For alcohol to mix with water, ethanol is a cost-effective and relatively easy to find option. However, if finding ethanol for cleaning poses a problem, you can even use vodka. The good thing about using alcohol to clean with, is that it’s a natural choice. When compared to using harsh synthetic chemicals, alcohol is good at disinfecting and cleaning. Alcohol can also dissolve fats, so it will dissolve a thin layer of fatty deposits that might be present on your window.

You can also use normal cleaning agents when cleaning with a microfiber cloth. So long as it doesn’t contain any wax or oily ingredients, which will damage your microfiber cloth.

Choosing a Microfiber Cloth for Window Cleaning

Using a microfiber cloth for cleaning should make things a lot easier. But to get the most out of microfiber cloths, you need to choose the right one for the job. For cleaning windows, it’s best to use an ultra fine, smooth cloth with a flat-weave to get great results.

Using a fine cloth will prevent any scratches on delicate glass surfaces and even electronics. It’s also important that any microfiber cloth you use has a dense weave. To check the quality of a microfiber cloth before buying it, simply hold it up to a light. If you see any light shining through the cloth, it’s not a good quality microfiber cloth. Keep looking until you find a cloth that passes the light test.

It’s great to know that microfiber is an alternative option for cleaning your windows spotlessly. However, if the thought of cleaning your windows yourself is enough to make you run for the hills, hiring professionals to do the job is a great alternative. At Miami Affordable Window Cleaning, we specialize in cleaning residential and commercial windows. From homes to high rise buildings, we do it all. Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.

How to Clean Glass Windows Without Streaks

How to Clean Glass Windows Without Streaks

The days are over of you spending hours cleaning windows only to see those dreaded streaks when you’re done! The thing about glass is that it shows every imperfection, no matter how small, which is why knowing how to clean windows properly will save you a lot of time and frustration. You can enjoy beautiful, clean, streak-free windows. So, if you’re wondering how to clean glass windows without streaks, be sure to read through.

Window Cleaning Equipment: What You’ll Need

Your window cleaning kit will depend on the size of your windows, how dirty they are, and the amount of time you have. A basic kit includes:

  • A bucket with warm water
  • Cleaning solution
  • A squeegee
  • A sponge
  • Lint-free cloths
  • Gloves.

Your cleaning solution of choice will depend on a lot of things. You could opt for a homemade, DIY window cleaner or a commercial, store-bought product.

Tips for Cleaning Glass Windows Without Leaving Streaks

Get Rid of Dirt First

Before you apply your cleaning solution onto the windows, remove any dirt and dust off the frame by using a brush or vacuum cleaner. Doing this will prevent dirt from mixing with the cleaner, avoiding a muddy mess.

Don’t Hold Back on the Cleaner

Be generous when applying your cleaning solution, even more so if your windows are exceptionally dirty. The cleaner helps to dissolve the dirt so it can be wiped off. If you don’t apply enough cleaner, you’ll have streaks to contend with. Additionally, if you’re going to be using commercial cleaners, opt for a more gel-like product that doesn’t run down the second it touches the surface. The less dripping there is, the easier the job.

Don’t Just Use Any Cloth

The fibers that regular cloths are made from generally aren’t good for cleaning windows. They’re notorious for leaving streaks, irrespective of whether you use branded sprays or homemade cleaning solutions. What you want to use instead is a reusable microfiber cloth to clean windows. Microfiber cloths are better because they are lint-free and their super absorbency means they do a brilliant job of giving you shiny windows without a single streak in sight. And since they’re reusable, they’re also an eco- and budget-friendly cleaning option. If you prefer paper towels, however, just make sure that they’re also lint-free.

Use Newspaper

An alternative to using microfiber cloths is newspaper to clean windows (or if you like, you could use both). It’s really easy and works well. All you have to do is take some newspaper, scrunch it up, and start wiping it dry until your windows are sparkling clean. Just be warned, however, that this method does require a bit of effort, but the results are definitely worth it.

Squeegees Are Super Useful

Squeegees can be a little tricky to master, but once you get the hang of it, you won’t want to use anything else.
Start by wetting the window with your cleaning solution. Next, take a damp, lint-free cloth to wipe the blade of the squeegee clean. Starting from the top, pull the squeegee horizontally across the window once. Wipe the blade before wiping the window again, making sure to overlap the first strip by an inch or two to avoid creating visible lines between each strip. Continue doing this until you get to the bottom of the window. Finish off by using lint-free cloths to wipe any remaining soap and to dry off the window for a spotless clean.

Repeat this on the outside of the window, but with vertical movements. If any marks are left behind, using this method will allow you to distinguish between window marks on the inside and out. If you have very large windows, clean them in small sections to avoid streaks forming as a result of the cleaning solution drying up before you can wipe it.

Window Vacuums Are a Thing

Ever heard of a window vacuum? If you haven’t, listen up. If you want to to clean glass windows without streaks, these provide another great way to ensure a good finish. After you’ve cleaned your window as usual, take your window vacuum and use it to suck up the excess water, cleaning liquid or dirt left on the window. They can also be used beforehand to remove dust, cob webs and other debris from your windows.

Clean with Vinegar

You don’t have to use chemical cleaning products to get your windows clean. You can make your own homemade cleaning solution that works just as well.

One popular homemade solution is a vinegar and water solution. All you need is half a cup of white or cider vinegar, two cups of water, and a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol with a concentration of 70%. An alternative is to mix two tablespoons of the vinegar with warm water in a small bucket. Mix these ingredients together, pour the solution into a spray bottle and you’re good to go. Put on some gloves and follow the soapy water method below. Simple, yet still effective.

The Soapy Water Method

This method is especially good if your windows have a lot of dirt that isn’t necessarily stubborn. Make a soapy water solution made up of one gallon of warm water and half a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Using an abrasive sponge, wipe the soapy water onto the window without adding suds (avoid making the water too bubbly, as suds cause a lot of streaks). Rinse the window using clean water and use a squeegee to remove any excess soap before drying it off with lint-free cloths. It’s and easy, simple method and your windows will look great.

Clean with Lemons

Another simple, inexpensive method involves using a lemon. This is particularly for smaller windows as it’s a bit labor-intensive. Cut a lemon in half, remove the pips, and rub the lemon all over the window. Then take a lint-free cloth and wipe it clean.

Never Clean Your Windows on a Sunny Day

You want to clean your windows only on cloudy days. When the sun is out, the heat causes the window cleaner to dry quicker, before you can wipe it off, leaving behind some stubborn streaks. If you can’t wait for a cloudy day, start cleaning the windows on the shady side of your home first then work your way around.

So just to summarize, if your windows aren’t that dirty, simply use a dampened microfiber cloth to wet the window, then dry it off with a squeegee and dry lint-free cloths. For slightly dirtier windows, use the abrasive sponge and soapy water method. And if your windows are seriously dirty, then the vinegar solution will give you streak-free windows. Using the right method for your windows is an important part of learning how to clean glass windows without streaks.

Don’t Have the Time? Call a Window Cleaning Professional

If you simply don’t have time to clean your windows yourself, just hire professional window cleaners to do the job for you. One of the benefits of hiring professionals is that it’s the quickest, easiest way to get clean, streak-free windows without having to put in the work yourself.

You don’t have to spend your Saturday morning cleaning windows – but you still get to show off your beautiful home to your guests. Especially if you have large windows, calling in a professional makes more sense than doing the job yourself. Either you’ll need to strain dangerously on a ladder to reach your whole window, or you’ll only be able to clean the bottom half within your reach.

Enjoy Streak-free Windows

And there you have it! Now you know how to clean glass windows without streaks and annoying marks. Getting streak-free windows is not as complicated as you might have thought. It’s just about choosing the right cleaners and methods. The methods above work and they are effective, so you don’t have to keep putting your window cleaning off anymore. You too can get flawless, clear windows after the first time clean.